Kelly Rowland is an american singer, songwriter and a bad actress('Freddy Vs. Jason' anyone? You can't have it all! Though I think she does have more charisma than Beyonce when acting).
Can't help it, I'm a sucka for love. Posting some of the women that got that effect on me. NOW ON TWITTER : http://twitter.com/ImASucka4Love
Kelly Rowland is an american singer, songwriter and a bad actress('Freddy Vs. Jason' anyone? You can't have it all! Though I think she does have more charisma than Beyonce when acting).
Leila Arcieri is an actress, producer & sometimes music video model, she is half-black, half-Italian.
Yeah, got reintroduced to this cat-eyed beauty while I was watching re-runs of 'One On One' on BET... yeah I know, really nothing else on TV. She was playing a french tutor on the show who had the hots for Ray J on the show... yeah I know, not gonna hold it against her coz it was in the script. She was simply straight fiya! Her eyes are just crazy and the body was tight. Noticed her once before in 'Daddy Day Care'.
According to IMDB she was crowned Miss San Francisco in 1997 and started a publishing business at age 22. She is currently a Producer on a movie titled 'The Middle of Nowhere' which will star Sanaa Lathan, Ruby Dee, Idris Elba and Phylicia Rashad set to be released some time in 2009.
A sexy woman that's about her business is very sexy, had to put 2 pics of her.
Corinne Bailey Rae is an English soul, R&B, jazz singer.
Besides the fact that she is simply beautiful, I think it's the softness and sweetness in her voice that attracts me to her. She seems pure and private about her business, which is a quality that seems to be losing it's worth amongst women these days or is it just that they are more in ur face with it... that's another debate.
I also love the fact that you can sometimes hear her british accent when she sings ("a look I Kan't describe") with those lips. Damn, she looks good in her lil summer dresses.
Soft lips, soft eyes, soft voice, a natural simple beauty.
What can I say about Sanaa Lathan that can't be understood just by looking at her? The ultimate soul magnetic power NY-bred ebony queen. Now here we have a woman who's name is swahili for "Work Of Art". Need I say more? From the first time I saw her in 'The Best Man', I knew what I wanted my wife to look like. Listening to her talk, watching her walk (walking in the park scene in 'Brown Sugar'), she is just "That Woman"!
Most definitely a beauty, Mind, Body & Soul (she also gets the Sexy nod, check out 'Out Of Time' and her appearances on 'Nip/Tuck')!
"flyer than Sanaa Lathan" - Jay-Z (is that even possible??)
My name is Giz.... and.... and.... I'm a sucka for love. There I said it.
I admit it, I fall head over heels for their eyes, curves, voices, minds (yeah it happens)... I can't help it. And whether they are famous or that girl around the way, I can't seem to be able express it to them (as if Alicia Keys would hear me out).
I'm gonna post pictures of the ladies that got that effect on me. It's all about love!